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Colour idioms
Idioms are words or phrases that communicate a specific idea or meaning which might not easily be guessed by looking at individual words in the phrase. For example:
"It's raining cats and dogs."
This expression means it is raining heavily. It has nothing to do with cats and dogs. There are many idioms in English as such they pose a great challenge to second language learners of English. One way to learn idioms is to put them into different groups. Try this colour idioms quiz.
Take this colour idioms quiz
1. When I told Dad I had crashed his car he really saw_____. He went crazy.
[ ] a. blue
[ ] b. green
[ ] c. red
[ ] d. pink
2. Sussie's dress looked awful but I told her a ____ lie and said it looked great.
[ ] a. blue
[ ] b. white
[ ] c. green
[ ] d. grey
3. Tom's birthday party was a complete surprise. It completely came out of the______.
[ ] a. red
[ ] b. green
[ ] c. blue
[ ] d. black
4. How can you argue about your salary now? It's there on your contract in _______ .
[ ] a. black
[ ] b. blue and white
[ ] c. black and white
[ ] d. red and white
5. He's a really_____ -eyed boy in this office. The boss loves him.
[ ] a. black
[ ] b. brown
[ ] c. green
[ ] d. blue
6. Luke went _____ with envy when he saw my new car.
[ ] a. green
[ ] b. red
[ ] c. blue
[ ] d. red
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