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CANBERRA CAPITAL POPULATION INDIA RUSSIA IRAN GREATWALL CANADA MEXICOCITY AUSTRIA EIFFELTOWER KILIMANJARO NILE YANGTZE SAHARA ENGLISH Across 2. What is the largest desert in the world? 5. Where was musical prodigy Mozart from? 6. What language is spoken in Newzealand? 8. Beijing is the_________ of China. 9. What is the longest river in Asia? 10. The ________ of China is 1.4 billion. 13. What is the capital of Mexico? 15. This country has the world's second largest population. 16. This city is the capital of Australia. Down 1. What ancient construction stretches across northen China. 3. What giant and towering construction stands in Paris? 4. This is the largest country in the world. 7. What is the highest mountain in Africa? 11. Which river is longer? The Amazon or the Nile? 12. It is the oldest country in the world. 14. What is the second largest country in the world? Make Your Own Crossword Puzzles...
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